I’m writing real music reviews again (without the pretense of comedy, unfortunately) which is the lowest form of scum that I can commit to text. I’m embarrassed, and I can’t think of a better way to get over it other than to rant about it on my pathetic blog. The only possible benefit that I see from a music review is just the information that the album/artist exist, and maybe getting some knowledge of the label and the genre. Outside of that, everything written to praise, rate, compare or deny the album is beyond subjective and relative entirely in sphere to personal tastes, experiences, and influences. How the fuck is anything that I have to say about an album even closely relevant for someone who is entirely obsessed with octave bass-lines. I think that shit is hack, but that’s not to say that I did not at one point enjoy it (electro-clash anyone?). The purpose of the review is to ultimately make you want to buy or avoid the album, right? I’ve probably wasted thousands of dollars in my lifetime buying crap that I read was great, which I ended up hating, dismissing, and returning. I’ve also probably avoided albums that I totally would’ve dug, due to 20 sentences written by some college-educated dipshit (like myself) with obvious comparative skills and feeble technical knowledge.
There are tons of bands that I’ve absolutely hated from the get go, which are revered by music dorks everywhere (like Yacht), and conversely bands that I love which get more hate than I think they really deserve (unfortunately none are coming to mind, but they do exist; maybe think along the lines of simple synthy 80s stuff). Also what happens when I am not familiar with the obscure band that the new band is blatantly ripping-off? Do they deserve credit for ideas that they did not even attempt to develop into something slightly more unique? Am I a shitty writer because I didn’t realize it? Yes. Oh, okay.
Wuf Ticket - Ya Mama
Wuf Ticket - Ya Mama (Instrumental)
S.O.S. Band - S.O.S. (Dit Dit Dit Dat Dat Dat Dit Dit Dit)
S.O.S. Band - Take Love Where You Find It
Pino D'Angio - Ma Quale Idea
Good to hear you are going to be doing music reviews again. Dude, a coffee table book of your reviews would be essential reading. Some guy once said, "Critics are, at their core, parasites." But don't believe that dude he was probably bummed out.