My roommate just purchased a huge screen TV with the works, yet, we do not have cable, and the last movie that he bought was Beverly Hills Chihuahua (which is apparently “good”, according to a friend of mine, so perhaps I should not judge solely upon the title/cover). Such I've been subject to a bunch of flicks lately, and the last few I’ve seen, whilst being visually stimulating, also stimulate vomit to come up onto my lap (with the exception of District 9, which did make me want to throw up, but solely out of joy). That last sentence was cheesy, but not as cheesy as my last two weeks of movie watching (newest Star Trek and Avatar, fyi). Waka, waka, waka. Obviously the FX are the nuts, and the 3D boobs (or bluebs) on the aliens are procuring rock hard boners on 13-50 year old males world-wide (and after draining them, they’ll be saving up all their cash to get those hair tassel things implanted, so they can link up to flying pterodactyls), but the plots to these movies are sooooooo fucking cheesy that I almost need to regress mentally just to endure them. The wholesome and sociopolitical messages directed at the audience are so ludicrous that they are similar to a Care Bears Movie, where the power of a smile transforms pure evil into a shiny sailboat or something. Ah fuck, just like America I’m a clone, shamelessly blogging about movies and Avatar. That hurts, and while it’s true that I could forgo posting this, I’d rather just point out my lack of originality (which in itself is original, right?). I can only blame this on the fact that I drank tea today instead of coffee. Hmmmmmmmmm.
Let’s talk about sythnthesizers for a second (or more so, summarize some shit that I read on Wikipedia that I found interesting. I don’t wanna claim it like this is some first-hand info that I am privy to). For me, synths are responsible for some of the best non-traditional music ideas to come up in the last 40 years or so. I had always thought that the first synths were a product of the late 60s (I mean people credit Moog as being the first one specific to music, more or less), but apparently the first electric synthesizer was patented in 1876 by Elisha Gray (best known for his development of the telephone prototype, a by-product of which became the Musical Telegraph). Gray accidentally discovered that he could control sound from a self vibrating electromagnetic circuit and in doing so invented a basic single note oscillator. On December 29, 1874, Gray gave the first public demonstration of his invention for transmitting musical tones and transmitted "familiar melodies through telegraph wire" according to a newspaper announcement. This was the first electric music synthesizer using self vibrating electromagnetic circuits that were single-note oscillators operated by a two-octave piano keyboard. The "Musical Telegraph" used steel reeds whose oscillations were created by electromagnets and transmitted over a telegraph wire. Gray also built a simple loudspeaker in later models consisting of a vibrating diaphragm in a magnetic field to make the oscillator tones audible and louder at the receiving end. Basically the guy is an inventor/gangsta that paved the way for bands like Tonto’s Expanding Head Band to wreck shop on my speakers.
Tonto's Expanding Head Band - Tama
Tonto's Expanding Head Band - Cybernaut
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