In re-reading blog the other day, I realized that I am talking too much about the music lately, and I need to get the fuck outta that mind-frame. Nobody gives two shits that I think Prelude is a good label; thats pretty much a no-brainer if you are into this type of shit anyway. So, in other news (if you can call my mundane life news), I hurt myself skateboarding and have recently been receiving vicious middle of the night muscle spasms in my cavs. The kind that feel like your muscle has suddenly decided warp drive into a black hole and implode. About 30-40 seconds later, it realizes that it can't and slowly relaxes, leaving you drenched in sweat, praying that you never again experience that level of pain. I didn’t actually hurt my cavs though, I just bruised my heel, and I’ve been walking on my tippy toes for the most part to avoid pressing down on top of it. This attempt to sidestep heel pain has ultimately triggered cav pain and I don’t really know what is worse now, as I have to settle for both. I’ve been rubbing Icy Hot gel on the back of my cavs (do they have a front?) before I go to sleep, and last night I made the mistake of not washing my hands afterward, and then nonchalantly rubbing my balls with my Icy Hot hands. It is hard to fall asleep with fire balls. I should have been much more aware and weary of this predicament, as I was once present when a friend lathered his balls with Ben Gay after losing a bet. Within 5 minutes he was pacing around, cringing and hyperventilating, and eventually took his balls to the sink and attempted to wash the stuff off (which didn’t really work). This was truly a jarring experience to behold, so you would imagine that I’d be more careful around the stuff.
If you are thinking about purchasing a Sonic Care toothbrush two-pack at Costco for yourself and your girl/boyfriend (which really is a great deal in comparison to the normal retail price), it is imperative that you consider the time frame of your relationship. The two-pack only comes with one charger, so when your relationship folds and you have to move out, you will only have about a month or so (if fully charged) before you realize that your toothbrush is completely out of battery. One solution is to go on Ebay to find the right charger. Unfortunately there are a myriad of model numbers of the Sonic Care, and not all chargers work with all of the models. Since they do not clearly list the model number on the actual toothbrush, it leaves this ambiguous feeling of doubt: do I really want to take a chance and drop $30-plus on a charger that might not work with my brush? You may find that instead you are using the Sonic-Care as a regular toothbrush for the next month and a half, while scamming to find a way to bribe the Ex’s new roommate to let you come over undercover to charge it up. Basically I have another month before I’ve gotta figure out that situation again. If only they could make a battery that was powered by negative energy like the slime river in Ghostbusters II. I have plenty of that to dole out, and I’d probably feel way better in the end being able to divert my shitty moods and sentiments to the powering of electronic devices. That way, I could actually be proud of my anger and sulking (and harboring any type of negative feeling), and then build a bench with my newly powered drill.
Holzer - Pure Love
Love International - Dance On The Groove (And Do The Funk)
Pretty Tony - Fix In The Mix
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